The four Kendra's and their importance:
All of understand and agree the that Kendra's are the Vishnu sthana.
Have you ever thought ,role of Vishnu bhagwan in our life.stop and think for a moment!!
Brahma ji is creater,Vishnuji is sustainer and Shiva ji is destroyer.
Bramaji makes a toy and gives vayu to breathe and the native takes birth to suffer or enjoy his balance of karmas as life.
Vishnu ji reflects the sustainance of life and Kendra's are the sustaining houses oa our life.
All what we need for our sustainance is Roti ,kapda ,aurmakan.
So considering the Kendra's ,the 10house is the strongest of Kendra's as per lagu most important house which reflects our status what people think about us in the outer world ,as it is opposite to 4th house,is our status,that is our materialistic achievement.
So to get our roti,kapda or makan we all are ought to work.planet posited here in their dig Bala is we get the day started by sunrise and energy from sun God and our name fame and recognition is represented by strength of sun,and strength of 10th Lord of kalpurushkundli,Saturn,collectiveashtakvarga points of the 10 the house and the planets who are involved by virtue of their lordship in collective sudayaashtakvarga points.
So see all of them along with the strength of 10 th Lord ,10house and it'skarka for best of the success in material world through carrier.
So from any house 10th house from it will be it's karma sthana.
For example:
10th from 9th is 6th house,so sixth house is the six types of sadripus of native (krodh_mars,jaelousy-mercury,saturn_greed,venus_lust,rahu_desireketu - headless )and three satwik planets moon,sun and Jupiter are exempted of being 6th Lord exalted in their respective get our religious upliftment ,we need to overcome them through our karmas .
I shall continue other Kendra's in next post.
Thanks for reading.